A legal doublet is a standardized phrase used frequently in English legal language consisting of two or more words that are near synonyms, usually connected by "and", and in standard orders, such as "cease and desist".
The doubling—and sometimes even tripling—often originates in the transition from use of one language for legal purposes to another: in Britain, from a native English term to a Latin or Law French term; in Romance-speaking countries, from Latin to the vernacular. To ensure understanding, the terms from both languages were used. This reflected the interactions between Germanic and Roman law following the decline of the Roman Empire. These phrases are often pleonasms and form irreversible binomials. It would be particularly unusual to ask someone to "desist and cease" or to protest a "seizure and search"; these common legal phrases are universally known as "cease and desist" and "search and seizure".
List of common legal doublets[edit]
- accord and satisfaction
- acknowledge and confess
- aid and abet
- all and sundry
- alter or change
- appropriate and proper
- armed and dangerous
- art and part
- assault and battery
- bind and obligate
- breaking and entering
- butts and bounds
- by and between
- care and attention
- cease and desist
- covenant and agree
- death and dismemberment
- deem and consider
- demise and lease
- depose and say
- due and payable
- eastings and northings
- expressed or implied
- facts and circumstances
- final and conclusive
- fit and proper
- free and clear
- from now and henceforth
- full faith and credit
- furnish and supply
- goods and chattels
- have and hold
- heirs and successors
- high crimes and misdemeanors
- hue and cry
- indemnify and hold harmless[1]
- infangthief and outfangthief
- keep and perform
- kind and nature
- law and order
- legal and valid
- let or hindrance
- lewd and lascivious conduct
- liens and encumbrances
- make and enter into
- marque and reprisal
- metes and bounds
- mind and memory
- No quarter. No mercy.
- null and void
- over and above
- part and parcel
- perform and discharge
- power and authority
- profit and loss
- sac and soc
- sale or transfer
- search and seizure
- signed and sealed
- sole and exclusive
- successor and assigns
- terms and conditions
- then and in that event
- toll and team
- true and correct
- waif and stray
- ways and means
- will and testament
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