Monday, April 12, 2021

The future in the past


Sometimes when we are talking about past events, we want to refer to something that was in the future at that time. In order to do this, we use the past tenses of verbs we would normally use to talk about the future.

These forms can be used for plans, predictions and events that do happen - and ones that don't happen.

1. Am/is/are going to becomes was/were going to

  • was going to go for a run today, but I feel a bit tired now!
  • I knew it was going to be sunny today!

Note: When speaking, was going to often becomes was gonna.

2Present continuous becomes past continuous

  • Sorry I was in a rush earlier, I was meeting Neil at 10 o'clock and I didn't want to be late.
  • was meeting a friend for lunch, but I've go too much to do so I'll have to cancel.

3. Will becomes would/'d

  • Oh I told Neil I'd call him later... I need to do that!
  • I knew Alex would be late today.

4. Am/are/is about to becomes was/were about to

We use be about to to refer to something that will happen very soon in the future. When we want to use this structure to talk about the future in the past, we use the past forms of be.

  • was about to call Neil when he phoned me.

5. Future perfect becomes would + have + past participle

  •  It's almost lunchtime, I thought I would have finished all my work by now!

Note: When speaking, we often use a double contraction here: 

  • I thought I'd've made more money by now.

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